mod python question

Дамјан Г. пенгуиниста at маил?=.=?iso-8859-5?Q?нет?=.=?iso-8859-5?Q?мк
Tue Nov 26 17:51:53 EST 2002

> I have the example from the mod python tutorial


><Directory /var/www/html/python> 
>   AddHandler python-program .py
>   PythonHandler mptest 
>   PythonDebug On 


><Location /python> 
>   AddHandler python-program .py
>   PythonHandler mptest 
>   PythonDebug On 

if the PythonHandler is in a <Directory/> section it automatically adds
that directory to python's module-search-path.

Obviosly it can do that for a <Location/> section because the location doesn't
corespond to any directory. thus mod_python can't find your script 

You should either, put somewhere python will search for by
default (like site-packages...), or add the "PythonPath ..." directive 
in the <Location/> section.


   дај ми сила да го издржам она што не можам да го менувам,
   храброст да го изменам она што можам,
   и мудрост да ги разликувам двете.

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