Reverse dictionnary
Uwe Schmitt
uwe.schmitt at
Fri Nov 15 07:24:32 EST 2002
Julien Barbot <barbot at> wrote:
> Hi,
> Does "reverse dictionnary" exists in python ?
> I would like to get a value with the key, and to get the key with the value
> For example:
> d1 = {1:"str1", 2:"str2" }
> d1.getvalue(1) give me "str1"
> and
> g1.getkey("str1") give me 1
> With the result given as fast as normal dictionnaries.
What about
d= {1:'one', 2:'two' }
temp_list = [ (d[k],k) for k in d.keys() ]
d_reverse = dict(temp_list)
d_reverse=dict(zip(d.values(), d.keys())
works, but I'm not sure if d.values() and d.keys() are allways
in right order...
Greetings, Uwe
Dr. rer. nat. Uwe Schmitt Computer science is no more about Computers,
uwe.schmitt at than astronomy is about telescopes. (Dijkstra)
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