Why is Python popular, while Lisp and Scheme aren't?

Carl Banks imbosol at vt.edu
Sun Nov 10 19:02:35 EST 2002

Pascal Costanza wrote:
> Now, let's go on - "funcall" takes a function and applies it to the 
> remaining arguments.
> > (funcall '+ 1 1 1)
> 3
> > (funcall '* 2 3)
> 6

You mean (funcall #'+ 1 1 1) and (funcall #'* 2 3).

> ...and so on. Now here is another nice macro.
> (defmacro apply-operators (op-list arg-list)
>     `(loop for op in ',op-list
>            do (format t " ~A: ~A~%" op (funcall op , at arg-list))))

It is better to do this as a function.  As written, you cannot pass a
in built-up list of operators or numbers, and for this reason, it is
considered bad style.

> So here is an application.
> > (apply-operators (+ * min max) (5 4 6 3 7))
>  +: 25
>  *: 2520
>  min: 3
>  max: 7
> You can always take a look at the code a specific macro produces.
> > (macroexpand-1 '(apply-operators (+ * min max) (5 4 6 3 7)))
> (loop for op in '(+ * min max)
>       do (format t " ~A: ~A~%" op (funcall op 5 4 6 3 7)))

I really don't think this is the best example for an advantage of Lisp
syntax, if that's what you were trying to do, since it's trivial in
Python also.

def apply_operators(oplist,arglist)
    for op in oplist:
        print "%s: %s" % (op.__name__, reduce(op,arglist))

The only technical advantage of Lisp's syntax I can think of is that
it matches the way the compiler sees it, which is why it's so
convenient to write macros (which are more or less extensions of the


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