problem with win32com server

Uwe Schmitt uwe.schmitt at
Tue Nov 26 04:24:54 EST 2002

Uwe Schmitt <uwe.schmitt at> wrote:

> Hi, I wrote a COM server in python which works well if I use
> a python script as client. But if I try Delphi or VBA to 
> access the server, I get:

>    Unexpected Python Error : exceptions.TypeError: unsubcriptable object

> I used py2exe and registred the .exe as COM server.
> My server script uses numarray. Is this a known bug ?

I forgot the message VBS results in:

     Unexpected Python Error: libnumarray.error: copy8bytes: acess beyond buffer, offset=63 buffersize032
     Quelle: Python COM Server Internal Error.

Greetings, Uwe

Dr. rer. nat. Uwe Schmitt      Computer science is no more about Computers,
uwe.schmitt at      than astronomy is about telescopes. (Dijkstra)           

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