Parsing & question about usages off classes!

Frans frans at
Sun Nov 3 16:14:38 EST 2002

Peter Hansen wrote:
> Can you explain why you think you want a new list with the name "some"?
> If you can dig down to your real requirements and express them here,
> we can probably show you how to approach the problem in a more
> workable fashion.

Ok. Here we go.

I am very new with python as you have guessed! For school I can choose 
my own projects and earn credits with them so I choose to build 
something in python.

I want to make a program which uses analogs computer output. From the 
output I want to create nice websites with graphics.

Example lines off analogs computer output:

                  R       P       ----   DATE ----------------
D	RP	901	133	2002	09	18
H	RP	6	6	2002	10	26	00
W	RP	3347	662	2002	10	06

D H w being differnt reports. RP meaning Request and Pages. Now I need 
to read all these lines into python and then do stuff to extract the data.

I wanted to put the D lines in the list DAILY. Analogs computer output 
has around 30 or 40 different reports. So using longer names might make 
my code a bit more readable. Which is nice if other people ever decide 
to do something with it :)
So I thought I would do the following:


information = string.split(logline,'\t')	


Giving me a list DAILY. The list DAILY would contain other lists, and 
those lists would containt loglines which started with a D.

After reading all lines from my logfile I would have serveral lists 
which I could then use for futher processing.

Futher processing would be:

* creating HTML for output to browser
* creating gfx to visualize statistics
* whatever I come up with

Ok thats it.

Thanks again :)


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