referencing disjoint array indexes
Padraig Brady
Padraig at
Mon Nov 11 08:40:19 EST 2002
Alex Martelli wrote:
> Padraig Brady wrote:
>>Is there any way you can do something like
>>size, mtime = os.stat()[8,6]
> Sure, e.g.:
> def getat(alist, *idx):
> return [alist[x] for x in idx]
> size, mtime = getat(os.stat(), 8, 6)
> I saw you mentioning in a followup that this "doesn't support slicing".
> Actually, not supporting slicing polymorphically with indexing is a
> problem with Python 2.2's builtin sequences (which were still using
> the C-level equivalent of the obsolete, deprecated __getslice__ &c
> methods), already overcome in Python 2.3 -- in 2.3a0:
>>>>def getat(alist, *idx): return [alist[x] for x in idx]
> ...
>>>>getat('four score and seven', 2, 3, slice(6,10), 1)
> ['u', 'r', 'core', 'o']
> You do have to use the explicit notation with built-in 'slice' rather than
> just the colon-notation for slice -- the latter is NOT accepted by Python
> (even Python 2.3) in general syntactic positions such as argument passing:
Bah humbug
> Making blah[8,6] equivalent to [blah(x) for x in [8,6]] on the other
> hand is clearly unacceptable because "blah[8,6]" already HAS a meaning,
> and it is the same as blah[(8,6)].
Yes pity 8,6 is equivalent to (8,6) is various contexts.
> Maybe that shouldn't be an error
> when blah is a list -- i.e. maybe a sequence's __getitem__ should be
> able to accept a sequence (in this case, a tuple) as well as an integer
> or a slice --
Yep I see this mainly useful on lists/tuples where tuple indexing
is not valid anyway, but then that's inconsistent with dictionary
indexing so I wouldn't support that unless for dictionaries (and
possibly everywhere) 8,6 != (8,6)
> but I have no indication that the BDFL is currently
> prone to accepting further complications in the semantics of sequence
> indexing. Still, I don't claim to channel the BDFL (that's the
> timbot's job, not mine), so, again, python-dev is where you might
> possibly convince him (again, start by writing a PEP -- the bigger
> the change you want, the more a PEP is needed -- ideally, a sample
> patch wrt the current 2.3a0 CVS tree should also go with it, but
> that's nowhere like mandatory except in cases where a mod's very
> feasibility is in doubt).
Hmm it would be a huge change to make it consistent so it's a
non-starter I think :-(
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