Repost: Tkinter Checkbox Question

Matthew Dixon Cowles matt at
Sat Nov 23 22:03:21 EST 2002

Dear Josiah,

> What am I doing wrong in this sample? When I press the "status"
> button, the printout shows that "self.var.get()" returns a "0" weather
> the box is checked or not!

I'm sorry but I can't replicate that here. It doesn't look like
there's anything wrong with your code and if I paste it into an editor
window and run it, it behaves as I'd expect: the status button prints
0 if the checkbox isn't checked and 1 if it is. I doubt that it's a
problem that's related to the version of Python you're using
checkboxes are used all the time and many people would have run into


> #######################################################################
> from Tkinter import *
> root = Tk()
> class App:
>     def __init__(self, master):  
>         frame = Frame(master) 
>         frame.grid()
>         self.var = IntVar() 
>         self.CButton = Checkbutton(frame,text="check",variable=self.var)
>         self.CButton.grid()
>         self.buttonGo = Button(frame, text= "status", command=self.go)
>         self.buttonGo.grid()
>     def go(self):
>         print self.var.get() 
> app = App(root)
> root.mainloop()
> #######################################################################

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