Python In A Nutshell?
John Abel
john.abel at
Thu Nov 7 07:49:15 EST 2002
Thanks for that! What a great community this is. There can't be many,
where the author of a book will reply to a post!!!
Thanks again
Alex Martelli wrote:
>John Abel wrote:
>>Has anyone any information regarding the availability of this book?
>Nobody has any certainties yet, sigh (as the author, I should know).
>> According to Amazon UK, it should have been available from 1st
>>November, yet I can't find any mention of it on the O'Reilly site.
>I delivered the final draft to the editor within my deadline for
>Nov 1 publication, but, alas, the Python Nutshell book then ended
>up in the queue behind the PHP Cookbook and got pushed back by it --
>so, nothing much has happened over the last 2 months or so. The
>PHP Cookbook, I believe, is now done and over with, and the Nutshell
>should be next in queue for final editing, checking and processing.
>But this means I can't yet give you a reliable prediction for the
>date the book will be on the shelves -- it's basically all in
>O'Reilly's hands now, even though I'll still have some minor checks
>etc to do as they do their part of the job.
>Thanks for your patience...!-(
*John Abel
Systems Administrator *
PA News Limited <>
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