A vision for Parrot
Donal K. Fellows
donal.k.fellows at man.ac.uk
Wed Nov 13 11:35:51 EST 2002
Benjamin Goldberg wrote:
> Donal K. Fellows wrote:
>> OK, let's go for a more concrete question. What sequence of bytecodes
>> would let me open a socket and talk to a remote host? The Parrot I/O
>> operation opcodes don't mention anything about sockets and nor can I
>> tell how I would invoke a piece of helper C or C++ to do the job on my
>> behalf.
> Just as there are "stdio", "unix", and "win32" ParrotIO layers, one
> would define a "socket" layer (and maybe an "xti" layer, for the really
> adventurous). Obviously, this needs a bit more C code to be added.
> Once that layer is added, you could read from and write to sockets just
> like you would from files.
OK, what sequence of bytecodes would instantiate and invoke those layers? The
expositions I've found online so far have been rather too dry for me to actually
see how such a thing could be done.
Donal (fed up of hand-waving, particularly in his day job. Must write code...)
"Windows is a car with square wheels (architecture) and a huge engine (hype,
etc.), capable of of making the car move despite the square wheels. Linux
is a car with round wheels but a small engine, capable of making the car go
despite the small engine." -- John Latham <jtl at cs.man.ac.uk>
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