JohnJacob JJ at JJ.com
Thu Nov 14 21:07:52 EST 2002

"John Hunter" <jdhunter at nitace.bsd.uchicago.edu> wrote in message
news:m2lm3vhcg0.fsf at mother.paradise.lost...
> >>>>> "bart" == bart  <e_viola at libero.it> writes:
>     bart> I'm an italian student and my problem consists about
>     bart> urllib2; urlopen function, sometimes, give me old (and
>     bart> inexactly) url because the site has moved in a new location
>     bart> but urlopen doesn't undestand it and return 403 error
>     bart> FORBIDDEN.
> I don't think you can describe this as a bug; it's a feature!  python
> provides exceptions to handle, well, exceptional circumstances, such
> as trying to access a web site that you are forbidden to access.  When
> this happens, an 'exception' is raised, and there is a mechanism to
> handle the exception.

Except that this web site doesn't appear to be forbidden. I can view it just
fine with IE6, but when I try it with urllib2, I get the same error.
Nonetheless, I have no idea why this is happening.

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