Installing dislin (scientific data plotting software)

Dennis Lee Bieber wlfraed at
Tue Nov 12 15:38:09 EST 2002

Turhan Ozen fed this fish to the penguins on Tuesday 12 November 2002 
08:19 am:

> I downloaded and after unzipping, I installed dislin,
> then I added the following lines to the autoexec.bat:
> SET DISLIN = c:\program files\dislin
> SET PYTHONPATH = C:\program files\dislin\python
> But It seems that I have not installed it properly. When I choose the
> dislin or readme files from from the windows2000's
> start>programs>dispy, I get an error message dialogue box with the
> title "readme" and message
> "Open error in c:\program".  When I try to use dislin in python it

        May not help, but try putting " around those paths... or convert from 
long-file-name to the 8.3 MS-DOS variant (if you can find it).

        set dislin= "c:\program files\dislin"
        set dislin= c:\progr~01\dislin

        It took me forever once to figure out why my W98 path wasn't working 
(I've got tons of "set path=xyz;%path%;abc" structures; they were 
breaking on embedded spaces).

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