__bases__ and type()

Martin v. Löwis loewis at informatik.hu-berlin.de
Thu Nov 21 07:35:29 EST 2002

"Daniel Silva" <dansilva at lynx.dac.neu.edu> writes:

> User-built classes would have class as its only parent if they do not
> have inheritance, and a list of super-classes in case they do.
> However, given a class C, class D, and a class E that inherits from both
> C and D, type(e) evaluates to ClassType, and e.__bases__ evaluates to
> (c,d).
> Did I get the organization of things incorrectly?  How else should I
> organize it for type(), __bases__, and isinstance() to work as expected?

You should understand the difference between classes and types; since
Python 2.2, these are called old-style classes and new-style classes.

A class is an instance of the ClassType, a type is an instance of the
TypeType. Since Python 2.2, both have __bases__, but they have
slightly different semantics. One difference is that, for an instance
I of a type, "type(I) is I.__class__". For an instance of a class,
"type(I) is InstanceType", "type(I.__class__) is ClassType".  There
are more differences, like under what circumstances you can assign to

If you want to implement the semantics of Python 2.2 correctly, you
could make your concept of "node" equivalent to that of "type" in
Python. Then, executing a class statement only creates a "node" if the
first base class also is a "node". Otherwise, you need to have a
"node" ClassType, and executing a class statement creates a an
instance thereof.

Or you could deviate from the Python semantics, and treat old-style
classes and new-style classes the same.


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