threading questions

Martin v. Loewis martin at
Fri Nov 1 17:12:57 EST 2002

Oleg Leschov <kalmas at> writes:

> 1. I want to be able, using whatever the threading.get_ident()
> returns (perhaps), to determine the state of thread (does it still
> run or not), and to kill the thread, in case that it, for example,
> is waiting for some data from socket whose network interface has
> died unexpectedly.

Python does not support thread cancellation.

> For now I rely on the behavior of linux, where when main thread
> quits, all its children threads are also being killed. But to me, it
> would be nicer to kill them by hand..

You would need to implement this yourself, although I recommend to
find a solution that works without that. I.e. maintain a list of
running threads yourself, and you won't need to find out whether a
thread is still running. Only use non-blocking operations for the
network if you expect blocking operations to block for an unacceptable
long amount of time.

> 2. I want to process user interrupt (ctrl-c), which does not work at
> all while running multiple threads, by setting some event so that
> main thread would quit.  How do I register handler for this?

Ctrl-c should work fine, and should show up as a keyboard interrupt in
the main thread.


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