Help with searching a list
John Hunter
jdhunter at
Tue Nov 12 10:35:34 EST 2002
>>>>> "Tony" == Tony C <cappy2112 at> writes:
Tony> Python newbie needs help with searching a list of lists.
Tony> What is the correct way for search a list of lists ?
You can do this by 'flattening' the list -- ie, turning into a single
list with all the elements of the component lists (recursively). Look
at the flatten recipe in the Python Cookbook or on the Active State
site. Here is a slightly modified version that takes bits from both.
It required python2.2 because it uses generators
from __future__ import generators
def iterable(obj):
try: iter(obj)
except: return 0
return 1
def is_string_like(obj):
try: obj + ''
except (TypeError, ValueError): return 0
return 1
def is_scalar(obj):
return is_string_like(obj) or not iterable(obj)
def flatten(seq, scalarp=is_scalar):
this generator flattens nested containers such as
>>> l=( ('John', 'Hunter'), (1,23), [[[[42,(5,23)]]]])
so that
>>> for i in flatten(l): print i,
John Hunter 1 23 42 5 23
By: Composite of Holger Krekel and Luther Blissett
and Recipe 1.12 in cookbook
for item in seq:
if scalarp(item): yield item
for subitem in flatten(item, scalarp):
yield subitem
l = flatten([ ['hello',5], ['bye',2] ])
if 'bye1' in l: print 'Yep'
else: print 'Nope'
John Hunter
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