[Announce] Gnosis Utils 1.0.5
David Mertz, Ph.D.
mertz at gnosis.cx
Sat Nov 16 16:51:10 EST 2002
This release contains two major bugfixes, and several improvements:
* gnosis.xml.pickle now works with PyXML 0.8.x (and earlier, of course).
* Bugfix in handling of initargs in gnosis.xml.pickle.
* Print warning during installation if xml.minidom is missing/broken.
* (Packaging) Fixed generation of PKG-INFO.
* Fix to let gnosis run in a standalone (e.g. py2exe) environment.
* Improvements to xml.pickle.test suite
* Documentation updates to xml.pickle.doc
It may be obtained at:
The current release is always available as:
Try it out, have fun, send feedback!
David Mertz (mertz at gnosis.cx)
Frank McIngvale (frankm at hiwaay.net)
DIGRESSION: A user proposed improvements to gnosis.indexer to enable
word-stemming and positional indices. The latter would enable proximity
searches, although that is not yet implemented. I find the proposed
code, however, in need of a bit of refactoring, and I have not tested
it. If anyone wants this code to play with, let me know; if anyone with
more time than me wants to take on the actual refactoring and testing, I
would be overjoyed. -dqm
BACKGROUND: Gnosis Utilities contains a number of Python libraries, most
(but not all) related to working with XML. These include:
gnosis.xml.pickle (XML pickling of Python objects)
gnosis.xml.objectify (Any XML to "native" Python objects)
gnosis.xml.validity (Enforce validity constraints)
gnosis.xml.indexer (XPATH indexing of XML documents)
gnosis.indexer (Full-text indexing/searching)
[...].convert.txt2html (Convert ASCII source files to HTML)
gnosis.util.dtd2sql (DTD -> SQL 'CREATE TABLE' statements)
gnosis.util.sql2dtd (SQL query -> DTD for query results)
gnosis.util.xml2sql (XML -> SQL 'INSERT INTO' statements)
gnosis.util.combinators (Combinatorial higher-order functions)
gnosis.util.introspect (Introspect Python objects)
...and so much more! :-)
<P><A HREF="http://gnosis.cx/download/Gnosis_Utils.ANNOUNCE">
Gnosis_Utils 1.0.5</A> (16-Nov-02)
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