~~~ Python Use Question ~~~

Cameron Laird claird at lairds.com
Sun Nov 24 11:31:55 EST 2002

In article <roy-3B88F0.20145523112002 at reader1.panix.com>,
Roy Smith  <roy at panix.com> wrote:
>"Delaney, Timothy" <tdelaney at avaya.com> wrote:
>> you can easily embed Python into C/C++ - much more so than most
>> scripting languages ...
>Why do you say that?  I'm currently working with a system that uses an 
>imbedded TCL interpreter.  It was pretty simple to do, and has proven to 
>be simple to extend when needed.
>I'm not saying that I actually like TCL as a language, but I don't think 
>it's a defensible statement to say that Python is easier to embed.

Python's definitely easier than Perl or even Ruby, say.
There are specialized situations where Tcl is more dif-
ficulat than Python (mostly having to do with event
loop mismatches).

Cameron Laird <Cameron at Lairds.com>
Business:  http://www.Phaseit.net
Personal:  http://phaseit.net/claird/home.html

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