Problem opening files while using os.path.walk

holger krekel pyth at
Thu Nov 28 16:56:43 EST 2002

R. Arens wrote:
> Hi. I'm writing what should be a simple function that will walk a
> directory structure, opening and joining all files within the
> directory tree into a single huge file. I'm using os.path.walk and
> testing the list of files returned to the function specified in walk
> to make sure that each file is actually a file as opposed to another
> directory - herein lies the problem. The function isn't seeing
> _anything_ as a file, and is just skipping it. This one has me quite
> perplexed, and I'd appreciate any help anyone can offer. Thanks!
> Code follows....
> import os, sys
> def walkJoin(out, dirname, names):
>     print "Current directory: " + dirname
>     names.sort()
>     for name in names:

you have to do 

          name = os.path.join(dirname, name)

to actually have the full path. 


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