NEWBIE: Extending Python with C

Mindy csshi99 at
Fri Nov 8 23:10:04 EST 2002

> The first stumbling block is that the books offer
> examples of C code which don't seem to
> have a main(). My compilers don't care for that too
> much. I took a quick look at SWIG, but
> to be honest, I didn't understand how to use it.
> Again, I need the high level concept.
 Well, we're working at Swig and I should say it's a
neat thing to what you are saying here. SWIG just
creates Python codes automatically by collecting
information from C header files(thus the main()
doesn't matter). 
Actually, the codes written in high-level
languages,say, Python,Perl or others, now take over
the responsibility of main() function in driving the
program logic and control. I'm a newbie to Python so I
can't give you more suggestions about that. But if you
want to understand SWIG more, I might be helpful


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