Python 2.2.2 on OS/390 V2R10
Dennis Lee Bieber
wlfraed at
Sun Nov 3 15:42:32 EST 2002
<posted & mailed>
Alex Martelli fed this fish to the penguins on Sunday 03 November 2002
08:51 am:
> Me, I remember Rexx as a pretty good scripting language back from
> the '80s, when I worked for IBM -- Rexx is what first gave me the
> taste for using "scripting" languages wherever feasible. I hear it
> also took roots in the Amiga world, and I assume it must have
> grown and developed in the 14 years since I last used it, but I
> haven't kept track. But what do you think is "a typical kludge"
> about it?
ARexx was essentially the only supplied programming language on the
Amiga once AmigaBASIC was no longer updated (ie, about v2.x of the OS,
or anyone with lots of RAM -- M$ had designed AmigaBASIC such that they
were storing status bits in the upper 8-bits of address registers
(expecting no one to need more than 24-bits of address). ARexx /did/
change the I/O system somewhat -- much cleaner than what my various
REXX books show as normal IBM operations. It also took advantage of the
Amiga's message-passing IPC system, with the result that it became the
macro language for many applications (if you must, it was the
equivalent of VBA in Office -- except it was still stand-alone also).
Multiple ARexx programs could talk to each other this way.
One feature of REXX that is often useful is that any statement/command
that is not recognized as part of the language itself is passed to the
"command interpreter" (shell) that the program is running in. No need
for things like "os.system(external_command)" -- just put
"external_command" as the statement to be executed. This comes in real
handy if the "command interpreter" is really another application -- the
commands then can be commands for that application
ORexx is available (if you can find the old book) for both W9x and
There was a Unix implementation of REXX: uni-REXX from "The
Workstation Group".
Also, a version of REXX had been ported to run under VMS.
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