Is it possible to write web-based GUI using Python?

Will Stuyvesant hwlgw at
Sat Nov 30 14:05:32 EST 2002

Many users do not want downloads, not even of the thinnest client side
If their IE (or perhaps Mac) browser can not display it, forget it.
If your application needs a more sophisticated GUI then you can build
with HTML and CSS then it must be a game or something, not your
ordinary DB-query thingy.  Do *not* underestimate what you can do with
CSS.  I am still learning.

So what would be nice to have is an application that can help you
design and creates the HTML and CSS for you.  And connect those with
the server side program you have running.  You could use CGI or maybe
XML-RPC or whatever.  Well, I *think* that should be possible.  I
would like to see examples of that if they exist because I am
interested in something like that too, but still learning.

It would give you the means to write a portable server based
application that everybody can use by just pointing their browser at

Not me, I didn't open my peep.

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