Parsing & question about usages off classes!
Dennis Lee Bieber
wlfraed at
Sun Nov 3 16:43:48 EST 2002
Frans fed this fish to the penguins on Sunday 03 November 2002 11:58 am:
> Ok. I am trying a different approach. But I am still having problems.
> I want to create several new list. The name off the new lists will
> come from another list. That way I can create several lists, depending
> on the data received from logfiles. Is that possible ?
> Or isnt that a good idea either ? :)
You seem to be stuck on the idea of creating dynamic variable
/names/... Though how do you intend to refer to those names later?
> So basicly:
> my_list['some','data']
> variable = my_list[0]
> variable = list
> Now this doesnt work, but the result I want is a new list with the
> name 'some'.
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[GCC 2.96 20000731 (Mandrake Linux 8.2 2.96-0.76mdk)] on linux-i386
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>>> dictoflists = {}
>>> alist = ['log1', 'log3', 'log2']
>>> for l in alist:
... dictoflists[l] = []
>>> dictoflists
{'log2': [], 'log3': [], 'log1': []}
>>> dictoflists['log1'] = dictoflists['log1'] + ['data1']
>>> dictoflists['log1'] = dictoflists['log1'] + ['data3']
>>> dictoflists['log1']
['data1', 'data3']
>>> dictoflists['log1'].append('datan')
>>> dictoflists['log1']
['data1', 'data3', 'datan']
>>> dictoflists['log2'].append('datanew')
>>> dictoflists
{'log2': ['datanew'], 'log3': [], 'log1': ['data1', 'data3', 'datan']}
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> wlfraed at | Wulfraed Dennis Lee Bieber KD6MOG <
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