"Universal Gateway"
Brad Clements
bkc at Murkworks.com
Thu Nov 7 11:56:39 EST 2002
"Thomas Heller" <theller at python.net> wrote in message
news:fzud3760.fsf at python.net...
> Maybe calling custom COM interfaces is the first hole this module can
> fill up.
But wait, there's more!
Last year while porting Python 2.2 to the Pocket PC platform, I snuck some
utility functions into win32gui that supported packing/unpacking dword
values from windows message structures.. These functions were then used in a
Win32CC (Common Controls) package that I started to assemble. That package
included a structure access module somewhat similar to, but not as good as,
I've downloaded your current source release and I am planning to use your
structure access stuff to build better win32 common control classes so
win32gui users can get at ListView and other goodies.
This should work on desktop win32 and Windows CE...
hope to find some time to do it.
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