Python + Win32: Cut/Paste w/o GUI

Tim Daneliuk tundra at
Sat Oct 5 15:50:07 EDT 2002

Matt Gerrans wrote:
> At first you said "paste from an arbitrary Windows app" and I was not sure
> what you were trying to do, but if what you really meant was drag-and-drop
> from Explorer to a shortcut, for instance, then there is hope.   Try the
> following; if you run it with no parameters, it will create a shortcut to
> itself on the desktop.   After that, if you drag-and-drop another icon onto
> that shorcut, it will pop up a message (I know, this is not entirely console
> stuff, but I wanted the results to be clear and anyway, you just wanted to
> get the parameters).
> import os,sys,win32com.client,win32ui
> if len(sys.argv) == 1:
>    shell = win32com.client.Dispatch("WScript.Shell")
>    desktop = shell.SpecialFolders("Desktop")
>    # Might want to get python location from registry, but I'm
>    # being lazy.
>    python = 'c:\\Python22\\Python.exe'
>    target = os.path.join(desktop,'Shorty.lnk')
>    link = shell.CreateShortcut( python + ' ' + target  )
>    link.TargetPath = sys.argv[0]
>    try:
>       link.Save()
>    except:
>       print 'Failed to save "%s", maybe it already exists.'%target
> else:
>    win32ui.MessageBox( "Quit dropping your %s's on me!" % sys.argv[1] )

My apologies for lack of clarity.  This isn't quite what I had in mind, but
it is interesting code nonetheless which is going into my "Things That Could
Save Your Life" pile for later use.  Many thanks...

Tim Daneliuk
tundra at

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