Windows NT remote registry import

logistix logistix at
Fri Oct 4 14:52:53 EDT 2002

> Can Python import a registry file into a remote Windows NT machine? (I
> have admin rights over the domain, so that isn't an issue.)
> If so, can anyone give me an example?

The win32 extentions list all of the registry functions under the
win32api module.  You use RegConnectRegistry() to grab a handle to the
remote registry and then you can use the other Reg* functions to query
and modify it.

If you've never edited remote registries before, you'll also want to
note that the only two "real" root keys are HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE and
HKEY_USERS.  HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT is actually an alias to
HKLM\Software\Classes and HKEY_CURRENT_USER is an alias to an entry
under HKEY_USERS.  So if you are trying to modify values under these
keys, you'll need to adjust accordingly.

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