Building Python 2.2.1 for HP Tru64 UNIX V4.0F

change changeme at changeme
Thu Oct 10 10:15:45 EDT 2002

Phoebe_1, Thanks very much. Downloading the newer C compiler did address
this issue. I can now compile with no problems.

Phoebe 1 wrote in message ...
>Did you hack the makefile to add the options? Then it will *not* work.
>I think Martin had suggested CC trick, I usually hack the to
>set the flags since I have lots
>of different OS/Archs to support.
>Did you do this:
>$ make distclean
>$ CC="cc -std1 -msg_disable longlongtype"
>$ export CC
>$ ./configure --with-pydebug
>If you did not run configure again (with distclean) it will *not* work.
>Anyways I am using DEC/Compaq/HP C compiler V6.2 > . I have it working with
>Tru64 Unix 4.0E, 5.0A, 5.1,5.1A (yes, I have all those versions). I don;t
>have a 4.0F system,
>maybe it is specific to that OS version.  Or it could be your C compiler
>version, try to download
>the new compiler from the ftp site, there were some issuses with the early
>version of 6.0, I have
>the 6.2 and 6.3 compilers and I have had no problems.

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