Win32 and Excel ranges

logistix logistix at
Sat Oct 12 15:33:42 EDT 2002

"L Whitley" <ldwhitley at> wrote in message news:<uqelcb717e2h21 at>...
> I've been going through Mark Hammond's book doing his Python/Excel examples.
> It's working nicely but I'm dissapointed with the performance of storing a
> lot of data in the spread sheet cell by cell.  My data is in lists and I
> would think that I would be reasonable to use ranges deliver the data to
> Excel.  I've found examples of how to read data from Excel using range, but
> haven't found an example of how to write data to Excel using range.  Can
> anyone help?
> Larry

Slightly offtopic, but did you run makepy against the Excel components?

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