Dictionary Enhancement?

Emile van Sebille emile at fenx.com
Thu Oct 31 11:30:08 EST 2002

Rich Harkins:
> Not quite - __makeitem__ will be called (and its value generated)
> whether it needs to be or not - this is my basic objection to
> setdefault() as an approach.  I did reply to myself with an example
> Python class but I guess I would really like to see this become either
> default built-in behavior or a separate, but built-in, C type to
> this sort of thing.  The pure Python version will have poor
> characteristics if __getitem__ is called frequently.

Did you see Pearu Peterson's post of his lazy dict module?  It says, in

"lazy" mode means that the following statement
    dict[<name>] = func(<name>)
is executed whenever dict has no key <name>.

Here's the ref:


Emile van Sebille
emile at fenx.com


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