[OT} How to un-GPL parts of a GPL'd module.

sismex01 at hebmex.com sismex01 at hebmex.com
Tue Oct 8 16:14:32 EDT 2002

> From: Mark McEahern [mailto:marklists at mceahern.com]
> [Lulu of the Lotus-Eaters]
> > Yeah, I have a similar problem.  There's a really nice watch in the
> > store window up the street.  But the price pinned on it is 
> > more money than I have.  I guess I -could- go in to see if 
> > I could negotiate a better price, but that would be a hassle,
> > and they might not agree to it at all.  So I was thinking the
> > best approach would be to break into the store at night, and take
> > the watch.
> >
> > Can list readers give me some advice on the best glass 
> > cutting tools to use on plate glass?
> This is not quite the same thing.  When you're done taking 
> the watch, it's no longer there for anyone else to enjoy. 
> Not so in the case of intellectual property.

It *is*, if you ask your friendly BSA spokesperson.

Someone else on this thread (sorry, I erased that post) acknowledged
that despising and staying out of politics is the wrong thing to do
("Look where it gets you"); the same can be said here, staying out
of politics and despising it has made possible the appearance of
such organizations as the BSA, and their ilk; namely, that those
whom you despise and shun are those who are controlling policy in
the country.

I suppose I shouldn't say anything, being a Mexican Citizen and all
--politics is truly hideous here--, but that's what we get for
letting ourselves be shut out of the political system ("us" being
the general citizenry) for some two or three centuries; so I really
hope that y'all get a bit more involved, at least in a token form
("here, have this $x dollar token" for some political agency of
your liking) to keep checks on those who would use political
power as a way to enhance their social and monetary power (we all
know who *they* are).

This is my last participation in this thread.

Good afternoon.


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