'bind' functions into methods

TeaAndBikkie teaandbikkie at aol.com
Sun Oct 20 10:44:40 EDT 2002

>On Sun, Oct 20, 2002 at 12:04:15AM +0000, TeaAndBikkie wrote:
>> I have a set of functions, op1(), op2(), etc. with initial argument 'n' the
>> same.
>> I want to "bind" them into a class as methods that pass the first argument
>> an instance variable.

Thanks for your responses Oren and Jeff, with your help I have worked out a
nice solution.

Oren, your answer is nice and elegant, and does what I asked nicely.
An additional requirement I forgot to mention :) is that the value
of the first argument may change as the instance variable changes...

Jeff, after wrapping my head around your code I think I now understand
what is going on. At first I tried a lambda inside a loop with setattr:

funcs = (op1, op2)
for f in funcs:
    setattr(self, f.func_name, lambda *args, **kw: f(self.n, *args, **kw))

but calling method op1 invoked function op2, so I guess the 'f' in the lambda
is being evaluated on the lambda call, rather than at definition (makes some

After some mucking around, I put in a wrapper as you suggest, and it works

class tobj:
    def __init__(self, n=None):
        self.n = n
        funcs = (op1, op2)
        for f in funcs:
            setattr(self, f.func_name, self._wrapper(f))

    def _wrapper(self, f):
        return lambda *args, **kw: f(self.n, *args, **kw)

I think this works because the 'f' in _wrapper() is a copy of the 'f' passed
in from the for loop, and the lambda uses the copy rather than the value of 'f'
at the time of the call.

Kind regards,

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