How to print a string one char at a time, with no spaces?

Daniel T. a at b.c
Fri Oct 18 09:09:17 EDT 2002

Richard Bow <donkan7 at> wrote:

>I'd like to write a script that appears to be calculating digits of pi and 
>spitting them out one at a time, with no spaces, such as below (pi to 1002 
>digits, gotten from ). It's easy to do this 
>pi = str(pi)
>for k in range(len(pi)):
>   print pi[k],
>but this prints 3 . 1 4 1 5 9 2 6 5 ...
>How to print without those Python spaces (which are very nice when you want 

This works:

from math import pi
from sys import stdout

spi = str(pi)
for k in spi:
   stdout.write( k )

But it only prints the first 13 characters...

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