Reports, PDF, and grid widget for Python?

Bill Wilkinson bwilk_97 at
Tue Oct 22 15:49:17 EDT 2002

Cameron Says 

> Swing is gross, difficult, and slow.  Oh--also poorly 
> portable.  Installing the generally-available JREs
> probably is too difficult for the average user, although
> the Java industry effectively advertises the contrary.

Swing is slow.  But you can be quite productive doing a 
swing app in Jython.  There is a learning curve as swing
is a huge and powerful library.

It's difficult to see where you get the poorly portable part.
Unless you are talking about the difficulty some have getting 
it to work with various browers(Konqueror....).

Webstart has made it easier to distribute Java apps. It is worth
looking into.

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