What a mess!

Uwe C. Schroeder uwe at oss4u.com
Fri Oct 4 23:15:09 EDT 2002

mongo57a at comcast.net wrote:

> On Redhat 7.3. Downloaded latest Python binaries (rpm) and tried to
> install. Got lots of errors like:
> "file /usr/lib/python2.2/........  from install of python2-2.2.1-1
> conflicts with file from package python2-2.2-16"
> Got the same errors on install or update.
> So in my infinite wisdom (or lack of....) I decided to try and uninstall
> Python and start over. So I manually (isn't there a way to automatically
> uninstall ????) deleted the install (directories) for 2.2. That left me
> still with directories for Python 1.5 and Python2.
> Started over with an rpm install of 2-2.2.1-1. Got the same errors. There
> must be more going on here than I understand.
> Thanks.
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Try a 

rpm -qa | grep -i python

Whatever comes up there and has a version > 1.5 can be removed via

rpm -e <copy/paste from list above>

after that the installation should be fine.
If I'm not wrong RH uses Python 1.5 for its config utilities - therefor 
better leave it on.
If you're impatient just install the new rpms with the --force and --nodeps 
option to rpm AKA  rpm -ihv --force --nodeps python-2-2.2.1-1.i386.rpm

If things don't work you can still do a rpm -e on that package and reinstall 
the old ones.


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