Is it possible to 'compile' a script?

solosnake solosnake at
Thu Oct 3 18:46:28 EDT 2002


I would like to incorporate scripting into an app that runs in real time.
The scripts once loaded/run would not need to be changed during the duration
of the applications run. In fact it might be unwanted to allow scripts to be
altered during the lifetime. However the scripts would need to by
interactive, and manipulate data passed between them and the application (by

Does Python offer the ability to 'compile' a script into a faster form? I
use the verb 'compile' because I am thinking of OpenGL's ability to
'compile' display lists from a command/data sequence into a (possibly)
faster form that can be recalled and re-executed via a handle*. For a
real-time application I am concerned at the thought of excessive string
parsing and file IO taking place.

If this is not currently supported in Python, and it is not impossible to do
for some reason or other, could I suggest it as an extension?

Looking forward to your replies, thanks for your time,

- solosnake

*Notably in OpenGL the data cannot be changed, however even if this
limitation was imposed upon my concept of compiled python scripts it still
would be a useful thing.

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