wxPanel question

Vadim Zeitlin zeitlin at seth.lpthe.jussieu.fr
Thu Oct 31 16:30:01 EST 2002

On 31 Oct 2002 03:14:25 -0800, Anand <anandpillai6 at yahoo.com> wrote:
>   For this I have a wxPanel containing a number of thumbnailed bitmaps(of
>   type wxStaticBitmap). Is there a way I can save the contents of the entire
>   panel to one  image file. Does wxPanel support streaming ?

 No but if you were drawing the bitmaps yourself instead of using
wxStaticBitmaps (which would be more efficient anyhow probably), you could
simply put your drawing code in some DoDraw(dc) function and then pass a
wxMemoryDC to DoDraw() to obtain the entire image as a bitmap.

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