Python GUI app to impress the boss?

Christian Tismer tismer at
Wed Sep 18 16:14:11 EDT 2002

Lee Gray wrote:

> Thanks for all the suggestions, folks!
> I've collected lots of links to a variety of very nice screenshots,
> and I've been playing with the wxWindows demo and Boa Constructor. Boa
> was a bit disappointing, not as an app, but because of its current
> alpha status - but it's got great potential and I'll definitely look
> forward to future releases. I'll check out PythonCard too.

Boa is in fact quite a bit alpha-ish, but after you're
used to the quirks and limitations, it is really great.
Also note that you should use the version from CVS
which is *far* more developed than the downloadable.

I've written a quite big wizard for 3D image processing
with wxPython, PIL, Stackless. If you like, I can prepare
some screen shots.

ciao - chris
Christian Tismer             :^)   <mailto:tismer at>
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