ANN: Thinking in Tkinter
jepler at
jepler at
Wed Sep 11 22:09:44 EDT 2002
(whoops, I had intended to send this to python-list)
On Wed, Sep 11, 2002 at 10:05:53AM -0500, Jeff Epler wrote:
> You'd have to read the tcl source for the button bindings to see what's
> going on. I'll walk you through them ...
> bind Button <1> {
> tkButtonDown %W
> }
> bind Button <ButtonRelease-1> {
> tkButtonUp %W
> }
> bind Button <Enter> {
> tkButtonEnter %W
> }
> bind Button <Leave> {
> tkButtonLeave %W
> }
> proc tkButtonDown w {
> global tkPriv
> set tkPriv(relief) [$w cget -relief]
> if {[string compare [$w cget -state] "disabled"]} {
> set tkPriv(buttonWindow) $w
> $w configure -relief sunken -state active
> }
> }
> proc tkButtonUp w {
> global tkPriv
> if {[string equal $tkPriv(buttonWindow) $w]} {
> set tkPriv(buttonWindow) ""
> $w configure -relief $tkPriv(relief)
> if {[string equal $tkPriv(window) $w]
> && [string compare [$w cget -state] "disabled"]} {
> $w configure -state normal
> uplevel #0 [list $w invoke]
> }
> }
> }
> proc tkButtonEnter w {
> global tkPriv
> if {[string compare [$w cget -state] "disabled"] \
> && [string equal $tkPriv(buttonWindow) $w]} {
> $w configure -state active -relief sunken
> }
> set tkPriv(window) $w
> }
> proc tkButtonLeave w {
> global tkPriv
> if {[string compare [$w cget -state] "disabled"]} {
> $w configure -state normal
> }
> if {[string equal $tkPriv(buttonWindow) $w]} {
> $w configure -relief $tkPriv(relief)
> }
> set tkPriv(window) ""
> }
> When the pointer leaves or enters the button, tkPriv(window) is
> set to that widget. When a mouse button is pressed in a button,
> tkPriv(buttonWindow) is set. When the mouse button is released, and
> window and buttonWindow both match the widget where the release took
> place, the button's -command is invoked.
> These routines are actually slightly different for each of unix, mac,
> and Microsoft Windows in my copy of tk8.3.
> In my opinion, it's great to understand this, and maybe to reimplement
> it in Python as an exercise, but since the vast majority of any GUI
> application should use the standard behavior for its components as
> defined by the operating system/desktop environment, it makes much
> more sense to me to start teaching Tk with basics like -command, -text,
> -textvariable, the grid manager, and (in Python) things like Toplevel
> subclasses with standard buttons and the like.
> Later, I might have a unit that "teaches" a compound widget like the
> "shufflebox", which does require custom bindings such as doubleclick to
> move selected items to the opposite box.
> Jeff
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