Calling Python from C# - please help
Mark Hammond
mhammond at
Tue Sep 17 23:28:40 EDT 2002
Samuele Pedroni wrote:
> How were you going to support eval and exec?
The compiler itself is written in CPython. The intention was to get the
compiler good enough to compile itself - then we will have a .NET
compiler able to be built into the Python runtime. exec and eval would
leverage this.
> For the moment the unload granularity of .NET is AppDomains only and only
> upon explicit request, and types/modules/assemblies are not garbage
> collected but simply live as much as the AppDomain,
App Domains can be dynamically created tho, which may help.
> that's OK for static languages, or environments with a clear run/design time
> distinction (one can setup an AppDomain and tear it down for each
> run-cycle), or for running scripts in isolation but not if one wants IL/JIT
> speed for a enviroment that allows for redefinitions and eval, ...
> In Jython we create Java bytecode and dynamically load classes for all the
> code, also eval code because in Java classes are elegible for garbage
> collection.
> In .NET it seems one needs a pure interpreter that does not compile to IL
> for exec and eval support, and that seems what JScript does for jsc compiled
> code containing eval, that means the script is compiled but the evaluated
> code is only interpreted,
Im not really convinced of that. Reflection::Emit has IL generation
capabilities purely for "dynamic" code - the example used in their docs
is that regex engines could compile down to IL on-the-fly.
> otherwise a long running process using eval could go out of memory.
> That's something people wanting to write a feature complete impl of Pyhton
> for .NET should consider or wait MS to implement a more
> dynamic-environment-friendly unload policy.
Yes, I see your point, but AppDomains are really quite powerful. I
believe there are no restrictions between cross domain calls. Managing
the lifetime of the dynamically created domains may be an issue though.
Thanks for the comments,
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