Instantiating and initialising C++ with embedded Python

Morfeas greek_bill at
Tue Sep 17 16:12:37 EDT 2002


I'm developing a game in C++ and I've come to a point where I think I need 
to use a scripting languge (and why not python?!). 

I have a nice C++ class hierarchy that does all sorts of things. I need to 
be able to create (i.e. instantiate) and initialise a bunch of objects at 
run time. For example I need to do the following (in pseudo-code) :

if (car jumps over obstacle)
   award points to player;

I could hard-code this with C++, but I'd like the flexibility of doing this 
only for cerain game levels, etc.

Since I've only started reading on Python, can you please tell me if the 
following is right :

1. My main program is in C++, so I need to embed the python interpreter.

2. I need to allow python access to my C++ classes, therefore I need to 
extend the embedded interpreter.

I think I'm ok with doing (1), but not so sure about (2). I've been reading 
the python documentation, but they seem to focus on C rather than C++. I 
believe I need to write some python-friendly class definitions, etc.

Can someone give me some of the following :

a) a brief description of the whole process
b) some code examples
c) suggestions about useful tools




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