Python sequences reference - problem?
Michael Schneider
michaels at
Fri Sep 20 08:07:34 EDT 2002
I also like python.
When doing pure math I have been using J for prototyping algorithms.
J is basically APL without the special symbols .
Good paper with many links for APL and J:
These are expecially good for heavy linear algerbra,
Have fun,
Alex Martelli wrote:
>Michal Kaukic wrote:
>> we like Python - I use it (with Numeric and SciPy modules)
>>for teaching of Numerical analysis and my colleague is doing
>>some research in discrete optimization in Python. And he often
>>surprises me with non-conformal use of language :-)
>> We are mathematicians, not programmers. I suppose, he believes
>>that Python "thinks" like Mathematician. Yesterday, he was struggling
>I think the concept of "MODIFYING an object" is pretty far from
>most areas of maths I've dabbled in (I'm an engineer, not a
>mathematician, but do find maths fascinating). It seems to me
>that the only real way to get a language that WILL "think like
>a mathematician" is to take your pick among languages that have
>no concept of "modifying an object" - which nowadays basically
>means, Functional Programming languages. Personally I find
>Haskell the most elegant one -- clean syntax (uses whitespace
>much like Python), clean semantics (lazy evaluation the default
>everywhere). Last I checked, the best Haskell compilers were
>able to produce very decent code for many problems -- performance
>will in most cases be better than Python's. If you want even
>MORE performance, I suspect some less-puritanical but still FP
>language (such as O'Caml) can probably deliver it.
>If for some reason you don't want to get into FP, then I think
>you can forget everything about "thinking like a mathematician".
>If data modification IS allowed, then your chosen language needs
>to choose either of two possibilities:
>-- COPY-semantics: an assignment such as
> x = y
> inherently copies y, so that any future change to y has no
> more effect on x
>-- REFERENCE-semantics: an assignment such as
> x = y
> makes x a synonym of y, so that both refer to the same
> object: any future change to that object affects any
> synonym for the object equally
>Many languages choose a MIX of these two kinds of behavior,
>but that's the worst of both worlds, as it complicates things
>a lot. Generally, OLD languages (such as Fortran) relied on
>copy semantics (references or synonyms were not considered,
>and when they could happen, as in argument-passing, they were
>prohibited by the language rules, although those rules were
>rarely enforced). Modern languages by and large have moved
>to reference semantics, which is generally much cleaner even
>though in some cases performance can suffer (optimization is
>the main reason some languages complicate things by mixing
>reference and copy semantics). "Generally" is important: LISP,
>one of the oldest languages around (second-oldest after
>Fortran, among those still widely used today), relied on
>reference semantics from the start. The resulting elegance
>has much to do with Lisp's acceptance in the mathematical
>community, IMHO.
>Python uses reference semantics. When you want a copy, you
>ask for a copy -- it's as simple as this. If you don't ask
>for a copy, you don't get a copy... you get a reference to
>the original. There is no complication: it's _always_ this
>way. (OK, OK, at the margin there are doubtful cases: in
>particular, a SLICE is a copy-request for all built-in types,
>but a reference, sharing data with the original array, when
>you use the Numeric package... Numeric had to move _away_
>from copy and onto reference in this case to avoid accidental
>copies of huge array slices... take this as the exception
>that proves the rule, OK?-).
>Python does have some data types that are immutable, which
>helps move it a little bit closer to FP -- numbers, strings
>and tuples are immutable. (Even Java has strings as
>immutables -- SOME of FP's niceties do start to move into
>the mainstream, albeit slowly:-). But the main style is still
>very much NOT FP, rather relying on modifiable data.
>>with the code shown below (somewhat simplified):
>>L_L=[[1,2,3], [2,3,4], [3,4,5]]
>>def do_process(LL):
>> n=len(LL[0])
>> rec = [0]*n
>> Res=[]
>> for row in LL:
>> rec[0] = row[0]
>> # further code - modifying rec
>> # lots of conditional processing and such...
>> # ...
>> Res += [rec]
>> return Res
>>After calling do_process(L_L), the "expected" result should be
>> [[1, 0, 0], [2, 0, 0], [3, 0, 0]]
>>but the true result is
>> [[3, 0, 0], [3, 0, 0], [3, 0, 0]].
>> Yes, this is fully in accordance with how the Python language should
>> Res += [rec] inserts references to list object rec,
>> which are further modified... (he should use copy(rec) instead).
>Right in all respects, yes.
>> But there is nothing to make this behaviour clearly VISIBLE in code.
>*EVERY* assignment in Python uses reference semantics. Every occurrence
>of an assignment, therefore, makes reference behavior "clearly VISIBLE".
>Presumably fish don't find water "clearly VISIBLE", being used to that,
>much as it is for us and air. When something "is *EVERYWHERE*", how
>can it be "clearly VISIBLE" at the same time?-)
>>If I work with pointers in C/C++ I know and see they are pointers.
>That's because C uses copy semantics, and uses pointer to emulate
>reference semantics when needed. That's just the reverse of Python,
>which uses reference semantics, and explicit calls to copy to
>emulate copy semantics when needed.
>C++ lets you define "references" which IMPLY reference semantics
>rather than copy semantics -- and you don't SEE what they are at
>the point of use (only at the point of definition). Flaming about
>that here, one way or another, won't be very useful:-). But there
>are LOTS of precedents: Pascal (!!!) lets you declare arguments
>to a procedure as either reference or copy -- then you don't see
>the difference at the point of use; Visual Basic emulated that, too
>(the default has changed in recent releases of VB, but that's
>-another- flame:-); languages with sophisticated macro systems,
>such as Dylan or relatively-recent LISPs, let you do all that and
>But C and Python are SIMPLE languages: one semantics is pervasive
>(reference for Python, copy for C), you take explicit measures
>when you want the OTHER semantics, and those measures are visible
>at the point of use (well, _mostly_ -- C does complicate things
>a bit by having arrays "decay to" pointers, Python has the
>"slice aren't copies in Numeric" issue -- but that's definitely
>at the margin).
>>You can say - we also know that rec is list object and so be careful
>>with it. Yes, but consider the complex code where the similar constructs
>>are very easy to overlook. And debugging of such code can be frustrating.
>The issue has nothing to do with rec being a list object, really.
>You may see the issue as having to do with the fact that rec is
>(any kind of) *MUTABLE* -- indeed, a language without mutable data
>DOES shield you from these issues. If you tried to mutate non-
>mutable data, as rec[0] = .... does, you'd get an exception at
>runtime (if every kind data was immutable, of course, the language
>wouldn't even have any CONSTRUCTS to express mutation).
>> My colleague was in state of despair and made thoughtful remarks
>>about FORTRAN and Python similarity. He believes that Python is corrupting
>>his (computer) memory...
>Fortran (up to F77 -- I lost touch with it afterwards) had reference
>semantics in all parameter passing to subprograms (with aliasing forbidden
>in rather complex ways -- very few compilers ever enforced that, letting
>the hard-to-debug cases for the programmers:-)), copy semantics for all
>assignments. I can't see any parallel between that and Python's
>behavior, not even in the "anti-parallel" sense of Python // C.
>> So what is the point? I wrote this message in hope that there are
>>more people with similar experience. My question is - how to explain
>>to novice non-programmer users (maybe mathematically "infected")
>>the quirks of Python sequence objects? Which methodology to use
>First of all, somebody with reasonable math bent will prefer a
>more general explanation -- so, forget sequence objects, because
>that's just one specific cases. ALL object-mutation works the
>same way, whether it be of a sequence or non-sequence.
>>in programs so we can clearly see we work with "pointers"?
>You're in water. Water is *everywhere*. When you think there
>is nothing there, there's water. Just get used to it. Trying
>to muddy up the water in an attempt to make it more visibile
>would be counter-productive.
>>Or maybe someone can propose the changes to the Language to overcome
>>this (psychological) barrier? I feel this as a serious obstacle
>>in using Python (my students experienced it too).
>It appears, though you never state it, that the behavior you
>would consider "natural" would have to do with copy semantics.
>I find that weird, absolutely weird -- I've seen it happen to
>old died-in-the-wool programmers without solid mathematical
>bases, because for 20 or 30 years of their lives they had only
>seen copy semantics and could no longer conceive of any other,
>but that's exactly the reverse from the "mathematical bent"
>you keep mentioning.
>Accepting your mention of "mathematical bent" as relevant, I
>repeat my suggestion that you look into functional programming.
>FP is seriously cool, IF all the programmers involved have a
>solid mathematical outlook on life, the universe and everything.
>If for whatever reason you want to keep using languages based
>on the idea of data modification, you won't find a simpler or
>more regular one than Python. And it would be absurd to pick
>old-enough languages that use copy semantics because some
>previous experience (NOT with maths itself, surely?!) makes
>you feel that's natural and divergences from it should be
>made "very VISIBLE" -- besides Python, you'd be cutting yourself
>off from Java, Eiffel, C# ... reference semantics IS the wave
>of the last decade-plus, and probably of the next one too
>(unless FP comes into its own, but I've sort of stopped holding
>my breath for THAT -- there just isn't enough of an audience
>with a pervasive-enough mathematical turn of mind:-).
>Just remembed that EVERYTHING works by reference, and what
>could possibly be the problem...?
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