List/Tuple bug or feature?

sismex01 at sismex01 at
Tue Sep 24 18:12:33 EDT 2002

It's one of python's features :-)

For when you wanna write a long string, SQL for example:

Query = "SELECT what, when, where, why "
        "FROM t1, t2, t2 "
        "WHERE = t2.id_t1 and t3.id_t2 = and t1.id_t2 = "
        "AND t1.answer = 'OK'"

Kinda neat.


> -----Original Message-----
> From: Mahesh Padmanabhan [mailto:news at]
> Sent: Tuesday, September 24, 2002 5:06 PM
> To: python-list at
> Subject: List/Tuple bug or feature?
> Hi,
> I spent a lot of frustrating hours tracking this down and I am
> confused as to why I see this behavior.
> >>> x = ('a' 'b')
> >>> x
> 'ab'
> >>> x = ['a' 'b']
> >>> x
> ['ab']
> As you might have guessed, I missed a comma between two elements in
> a fairly large list.
> If this is a concatenation feature, how can I prevent something like
> this happening in the future ?
> This is with Python 2.1.3 on Debian Linux.
> Python 2.1.3 (#1, Sep  7 2002, 15:29:56) 
> [GCC 2.95.4 20011002 (Debian prerelease)] on linux2
> Type "copyright", "credits" or "license" for more information.
> TIA,
> -- 
> Mahesh Padmanabhan
> -------
> Replace nospam with prana to email me.
> -- 

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