What database should I use

Uwe Schmitt uwe.schmitt at procoders.net
Fri Sep 6 08:40:12 EDT 2002

A <printers at sendme.cz> wrote:
> Hello,
> I am going to program a small application (in Python and wxPython) which consists about 
> 2000 - 3000 records . Can you please recommend which database is the best for that. I 
> use Windows.
> Maybe MS Access  or FoxPro or MySQL or better?
> I want to keep the program as small as possible.
> Thanks
> Ladislav

If your search tasks just rely on one index, the berkley db bindings
can be recommended. It is very fast, leightweight and runs on many platforms. 
Look at anydbm, dbhash or bsdd in the Python module documentation.

Greetings, Uwe

Dr. rer. nat. Uwe Schmitt      Computer science is no more about Computers,
uwe.schmitt at num.uni-sb.de      than astronomy is about telescopes. (Dijkstra)

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