Decimal arithmatic, was Re: Python GUI app to impress the boss?
Christian Tismer
tismer at
Mon Sep 23 17:53:59 EDT 2002
Tim Peters wrote:
> [Christian Tismer]
[you cannot discuss it since they want it]
> Bless you, Christian! That's all the truth. It reminds me of my first job
> in this business, where after a few months my boss took me aside and
> reminded me that I was hired to be a prostitute, not a missionary <wink>.
Hee hee, yes we are prostitutes. Well, Open Source is a way
out. But when you want people to pay you for it, it slips in, again.
> otoh-the-bankers-need-stackless-but-just-don't-know-it-yet-ly y'rs - tim
I'll let them know, teling them that Stackless is pure decimal.
ciao - chris
Christian Tismer :^) <mailto:tismer at>
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