Python HTTPSConnection/HTTPResponse Problem
Edward Muller
edwardam at
Sun Sep 22 23:10:42 EDT 2002
I *think* I found the problem. Using m2Crypto and urllib I was able do
process the transaction through's ADC Direct Response
mechanism and it *looks* like their server replied first with a ..
HTTP/1.1 100 Continue
and then with a ...
HTTP/1.1 200 OK
I don't know if this is valid or not (and I sent the same info to
Maybe someone else with more HTTP knowledge will know. I'd be willing
to test any patches or provide more data if anyone is interested in
looking at this.
Edward Muller
edwardam at (Edward Muller) wrote in message news:<9abedeb.0209221343.74d27ad1 at>...
> I thought I had posted this already, sorry if it sorta doubles.
> I can't use python 2.2, the latest I can use is python 2.1 because in
> the end this will be done with zope and zope currently only supports
> python 2.1.3 and earlier.
> And yes, my python is SSL enabled.
> Gerhard Häring <gerhard.haering at> wrote in message news:<mailman.1032691649.13632.python-list at>...
> > * Edward Muller <edwardam at> [2002-09-21 23:00 -0700]:
> > > I am trying to use HTTPSConnection and HTTPResponse objects [...]
> >
> > Is your Python SSL-enabled? Check with:
> >
> > import socket
> > hasattr(socket, "ssl")
> >
> > Which version of Python are you using? Be sure to use at least version
> > 2.2, as it contains many SSL-related bugfixes.
> >
> > -- Gerhard
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