Python Process that can survive

sismex01 at sismex01 at
Fri Sep 27 18:25:43 EDT 2002

> Yeah I found this hack on the web and I can't believe that this is
> only way to do this in python. You're basically stripping the process
> of all it's stream and sending it on its way. This is really messy.

It isn't messy, it's the correct way to do it. You're not
stripping the process of it's streams, your disconnecting
it from it's controlling TTY, which, if it closes before
the app, sends a DIE! signal to the app; that, or your
app freezes or dies when trying to use it's console.

> Plus in my lab there are a bunch of perl guys and a few python people.
> To date, what one can do in their script the python guys can do to
> (only nicer and much more readible). Perl has the ability to have a
> process continue after the underlying terminal is killed if the
> process is in the background. What is python doing that doesn't allow
> this?
> Chris

I suspect someone's yanking someone else's chain; I used to
write perl programs also, and whenever I needed an app to
totally disconnect from it's parent, I *had* to close it's
link to the console, or it's parent's console, which basically
means that I had to redirect std{in,out,err} to /dev/null,
in whatever mode you want.

It's not that nasty, you know.


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