How to send Email using Python?

Dennis Lee Bieber wlfraed at
Thu Sep 26 03:52:48 EDT 2002

Ken fed this fish to the penguins on Wednesday 25 September 2002 11:19 

> Hi all, I like to know how to send a HTML featured Email from Python?
> I know how to do a text based version using SMTPLib, but not sure how
> to do it with a HTML featured Email. Can someone help me? Can someone
> provide me with sample code?

        SMTP stuff is really just the transport of mail from one machine to 
another. You can stuff anything into the body of the message -- and the 
MIME stuff helps in setting up the proper headers/dividers.

        Just don't send me any email with HTML -- where ever possible I 
disable HTML email (I'll accept the /original/ MIME "rich text" stuff, 
which predates HTML)

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 >   wlfraed at  | Wulfraed  Dennis Lee Bieber  KD6MOG <
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