Executable Python Programs
Gerhard Häring
gerhard.haering at gmx.de
Sun Sep 1 15:19:41 EDT 2002
* CotaBas <cotabas at earthlink.net> [2002-09-01 18:58 +0000]:
> This is probly a stupid question ......
Questions that are answered in the FAQ are stupid questions, yes. The
FAQ is located here: http://www.python.org/cgi-bin/faqw.py
> how do you make your python programs executable (without python IDLE).
> For example:
> I write a program that I want to give to a friend to run on his
> computer.
Easy solution: make your friend instal Python.
> He doesn't have Python. What can I do to make it so he can run it
> without Python?
By read the FAQ. Item 4.28 answers your question.
My personal opinion is that py2exe/Installer/etc. are for
intermediate/advanced Python programmers. The reason is that it's
sometimes difficult to fix the dependencies manually, if these tools are
unable to hunt them down automatically for you.
Installing Python on the target computer is almost always the simplest
mail: gerhard <at> bigfoot <dot> de registered Linux user #64239
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reduce(lambda x,y:x+y,map(lambda x:chr(ord(x)^42),tuple('zS^BED\nX_FOY\x0b')))
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