representing a literal single slash

Padraig Brady padraig at
Sun Sep 15 17:41:51 EDT 2002

Padraig Brady wrote:
> Jonathan Claggett wrote:
>> Here is an easy question (I'm hoping).
>> I'm trying to process a string so that all doubled up backslashes (\\)
>> are replaced with a single backslash (\).
>> The obvious approach doesn't work since a single backslash can't end a
>> string:
>> str = str.replace('\\', '\') # broken
>> So, how does one represent a literal single slash? unicode or hex
>> values perhaps?
> mystr = mystr.replace(r'\\', r'\')

Emm this actually doesn't work. Why can't you:
Is it a bug?

Anyway this should work:

mystr=mystr.replace(r'\\', '\\')


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