Stackless Python, eventual merge?

Christian Tismer tismer at
Sun Sep 15 15:34:41 EDT 2002

David Abrahams wrote:
> "Christian Tismer" <tismer at> wrote in message
> news:mailman.1032107006.6411.python-list at
>>The changes to Python are also so small now, that
>>it doesn't matter if it will be merged or not.
>>Porting Stackless to a new Python is a matter of a few
>>hours. You may rely on getting a Stackless version
>>of any new Python version in almost no time.
> I think it still matters. You don't want people who need stackless'
> capabilities to have to use a non-standard Python forever, do you?

Who I ???

I've spent a lot of time to get Stackless into the core.
I wasted many months by keeping to the rules that *might*
get it into the core. This didn't help.

For the new version, I gave that up. That gave me the freedom
to code as I needed it, and I've come much farer than ever
before, in much shorter time.

I will not waste time again trying to persuade certain
people to include Stackless into the core. This is definately
over. If somebody else wants to try, this is fine with me.

Please let me stay what I am: The one who writes Stackless
Python, supports and maintains it. I really do not take
responsibility for being standard or non-standard.
My patches are as near to the standard as I can think of.
If somebody wants to include them, easy. But not me, this
has cost me too much blood, anger, lifetime, disappointment.

or-I-might-define-Stackless-as-standard - ly y'rs - chris

Christian Tismer             :^)   <mailto:tismer at>
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