New Stackless Beta

Christian Tismer tismer at
Mon Sep 2 17:11:45 EDT 2002

Hi friends,

a new beta of Stackless Python is released.
The source is at the moment available via
public CVS, only.
PC binaries and how to access CVS can be found at

What's new?
Tasklet flags have been re-worked a lot. They should be
always updated correctly, now.
The schedule() protocol has changed very much, internally.
This made it possible to write a tasklet.raise_exception
which works in any context, while waiting in a channel
or being currently run.

Very soon to come: tasklet.kill(), implemented by raise_exception.
But there is one feature missing for a clean kill():
Tasklets will get notifiers, which make it possible to
ask for an event like "tell me when this tasklet has died".
Together with notifiers, waiting on a set of channels will
be implemented, soon, in a very effective manner.
Also in preparation:
"A practical guide to Stackless Python", written by me.
It will contain general information and a number of examples,
like "how to make wxPython stackless" and more.

watch out - ciao - chris
Christian Tismer             :^)   <mailto:tismer at>
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