Calling Python from C# - please help

Mark Hammond mhammond at
Tue Sep 17 06:59:22 EDT 2002

Max M wrote:
> Mark Hammond wrote:
>> I have no examples of this, but I should.  I'm co-authoring a .NET 
>> book which is nearly out :) - 
> That sounds great. I enjoyed the win32 book, and still use it as a 
> reference.

Thanks.  Me too - it is amazing how much I have forgotten since writing 
it ;)

> Are you by any chance still developing Pyhton .NET, or has it completely 
> stopped?

Pretty much stopped.  No one is funding it, and no one has stepped up to 
the plate and offered to help.  It is too much for me to do alone, 
especially on my own time.

I'd love to pick it back up, but unfortunately, I really can't see who's 
interest it is in to fund this thing - Microsoft really have no further 
interest which IMO is quite reasonable - they have generously funded 
enough to prove that Python could work, but there is no reason they 
should further fund Python over any (and therefore every) other open 
source language, especially when they have their own commercial offerings.

Maybe Python should place an ad in the .singles newsgroups looking for a 
sugar-daddy <0.1 wink>


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